Sexperts at Sidgwick
Sexperts have taken over the Sidgwick Site to answer all your burning questions about sex in Cambridge – WITH PICTURES.
With some of the best stash in town: black polos with ‘SEXPERT’ emblazoned in hot pink on the back, and pants with names of STIs on, the CUSU Sexual Health Outreach Team were dressed to impress.
Sidgwick Site was crawling with sexual health go-to guys and girls at 10.30 on Monday morning.
Armed with lucky dips (“Sexual health: you never know what you might get!”), they handed out hundreds of sweets, AIDs awareness ribbons and more condoms than bemused freshers knew what to do with.
Marching on to New Museum Site, the Sexperts doled out contraception and sexual advice as they went.
The Medics were, true to form, totally unembarrassed. Groups of guys were fighting to get to the lucky dip, and girls strolling with their boyfriends were happy to be handed one of Pasante’s finest. “Oh, don’t you have Durex?”
Sexual Health Awareness week runs until Sunday. Sexperts will be in club nights around Cambridge all week giving out Chlamydia tests and answering questions.
Head Sexpert Lucy Loong promises games, pub quizzes and LOTS of condoms.
Most colleges will be holding Chlamydia screenings this week or next. Watch out for posters.
Here are 10 great reasons to get tested:
1. 1 in 10 people at Cambridge have Chlamydia
2. You can get Chlamydia without ever having had sex.
3. You can get Chlamydia even if you use a condom.
4. You get a free cinema ticket, just for taking the test.
5. You get loads of other free stuff too.
6. Around 60% of people with Chlamydia don’t know they have it, there are normally no symptoms.
7. The only way to find out if you have it is to get tested.
8. The test only takes seconds.
9. If you don’t get tested and you do have it, you may never be able to have babies.
10. One of the free things is a glow in the dark sperm-shaped keyring. Who wouldn't want that must-have accessory?