Global Poverty Project Launches
Over a thousand people attended the lauch of the Global Poverty Project last night at the Corn Exchange – EXCLUSIVE photos here
The Global Poverty Project launched in Cambridge last night.
The Project, created in 2008 by Australian development business advocates Hugh Evans (below) and Simon Moss aims to work with other campaigns to end world poverty.
Avril Humphrey, a 2nd year Classicist at Newnham told The Tab why she was so keen to get involved with the project: “I think it’s truly exciting that we can rouse and channel the energy of those who are interested in ending extreme poverty.”
The aim of the Global Poverty Project is to create awareness and empower people to do all they can to make a difference.
Avril said: “We are not asking for money, what we want is for people to make this goal part of their lives in a realistic way and realize that we can and should affect change.”
Over a thousand people attended the launch at the Corn Exchange last night.
It was an exclusive opportunity to view the “1.4 Billion Reasons” presentation before the Global Poverty Project launches across the UK where they expect to reach and engage over 40,000 people.
This 90-minute presentation is designed to motivate and empower Cambridge students into action to help the 1.4 billion people who survive on less than £1 a day.
The Global Poverty Project has delivered this presentation to more than 20,000 people in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA.
So far they have reached more than 15,000,000 people through media coverage in 3 countries.
The Master of St. Johns, Professor Dobson, also spoke, as well as a representative of The Co-operative, who talked about fair trade.
The event also boasted entertainment from John's Gents (above), free fair-trade chocolate and free entry into Cindies afterwards for all attendees.
The Global Povery Project will be holding a number of events at King's College before the end of term. See here to find out more.