Pubs of Cambridge #5: The Eagle
The Tab braves the Eagle and is not very positive about said establishment.
Pubs of Cambridge #5: The Eagle
It’s been a while since our last review. There could be a lot of reasons for this. I’d like to think it was because I’ve been being so productive, I couldn’t possibly have been wasting away my hours sitting in pubs. Unfortunately this isn’t true.
The real reason is that in the last review, I promised that the Eagle would be next. And it’s really rubbish.
However, committed to our loyal readers as I am, I braved it. Yes, I went there. Actually bought a pint. It is not an experience I hope to ever have to repeat.
Located right in the middle of town, the Eagle is full of Cambridge pretence. The site where Watson and Crick announced their proposal for the structure of DNA, and with a bar covered in graffiti from WWII RAF pilots, the pub has impeccable tourist-trap credentials. It is actually a rather scenic pub, and this could have been the basis for creating a fine drinking establishment. Alas, this was not to be.
So having bought a very expensive pint of very mediocre Greene King from busy and disinterested bar staff, you are left fighting hordes of Japanese tourists and clean shaven Magners on ice drinkers for a seat. What an experience. Oh, and they do food too.
Still, if you want to take part in the gallon challenge, this pub is part of the route. For those unfamiliar with the concept, you have to sit in eight Greene King establishments over the course of a fortnight (very responsible), and if you manage to do it without either finding something better to do with your time or terminating your sorry existence, then they give you a free t-shirt. Go on, it sounds like fun…
Best for: Avoiding like the plague.
The Tab 's Top Tip: Read the pretty blue plaque outside. Then go and have a pint somewhere nice.
Where: Benet Street, just off King's Parade and down the road from Kambar.
How much: Far too much.
Rating: 2/5 (salvaged by being prettier than some other awful pubs in the centre of Cambridge).
Next stop: The Bun Shop