Varsity Trip Sells Out In Record Time

Varsity Trip twentyten sold out in a record THIRTY HOURS yesterday, amid concerns that freshers have missed out.

Varsity Trip twentyten sold out in a record THIRTY HOURS yesterday smashing the trip’s sell-out record of 10 days last year.

Students were left disappointed logging onto the booking site this afternoon as all 2500 places were snapped up at lightning speed.

1300 students from Oxford and 1200 from Cambridge managed to bag themselves a place.

However the sell out was not without its difficulties. Frustrated students had to wait up to an hour yesterday from 8am reloading the booking pages as the server crashed.

Three colleges were also unable to access the official websites in a cock-up that the committee generously described as an ‘isolated problem relating to these college networks only’.


Sam Kirsop, the trip’s President, explained that “although the website was set up to deal with an infinite number of bookings, you can never prepare for every eventuality when it comes to IT systems.

“Everyone who tried for a place at 8am did get one and we even ensured that the £299 discount period was extended to mean that 450, not 299 people were able to book the trip for £20 less than advertised.

“We’ve been blown away by the speed of the bookings. We wanted to beat last year but never expected this.”

When asked why he thought the places had gone so far, Kirsop put it down to “word of mouth” and “VT’s success last year.”

“We’ve worked really hard to make the whole trip a lot slicker, worked hard on our brand image and to iron out some of the issues from last December. We promise that our participants won’t be disappointed with what we have planned.”

However, worries have been raised that the trip has failed to attract enough freshers. Laura Blakey, a first year reading NatSci expressed frustration that the organisers had “not given [freshers] enough time to make friends to go with.”

The 2500 Oxbridge students will descend on Val Thorens between the 4th and 11th of December.

Watch this space for The Tab’s exclusive coverage of the event….