Twitter My Week: Jaded Third Year

MAGGIE BROWNING tells us about her Week One in our new Twitter diary.

Sunday – Arrive back to my fabulous room. Two years at the bottom of the ballot, and now en suite, carpeted bliss is all mine, mine, mine. Head to Life- still a sweaty shit pit.

Monday – Freshers roaming around college really starting to grind. Why are they all so enthusiastic? And thin?! Feel satisfied that Cambridge will soon crush their spirits.

Tuesday – Make it to the faculty on the first day of borrowing. Self-satisfaction soon turns to dismay as I survey my reading list. Realise the time to switch tripos is long gone.

Wednesday – Thought of the first Cindies of term causes waves of nausea, so opt for Kambar. Realise it’s where all the cool people hang out and that I will never be one of them.

Thursday – Tire of the contant chat about post graduation plans, particularly tales of lucrative job contracts already signed with ‘The City’. Resentment and fear overwhelm me.

Friday – Head to the Maypole for the third time this week. Hope large quantities of gin and tonic will help me find some hotties in this talent-less town.

Saturday – Have college hockey practice, and accept I will soon be assigned to bench to make room for my younger, more talented counter parts. Such is life.