Exclusive: Cripps Court Cave-In

A section of ceiling in a Selwyn accommodation block sensationally collapsed on four unsuspecting freshers last week.

A section of ceiling in a Selwyn accommodation block sensationally collapsed on four unsuspecting freshers last week.

The Cripps Court cave-in occurred last Monday evening, leaving residents shocked but unscathed.

English student Hannah Potts, the occupant of a now-ceilingless top floor room in Cripps Court, told The Tab, ‘We could see the cracks getting bigger and bigger, then a whole section of the ceiling collapsed. Plaster and nails came crashing down, we were all screaming.’

PPSer Natalie Gil was also present at the time of the collapse, and added, ‘somebody could’ve been hurt.’

Unlikely to feature in Tab Cribs anytime soon, Cripps living is something of a rite of passage for young Selwynites. Built in the ’60s, it is home to all of Selwyn’s freshers and a selection of unfortunate postgrads and second-years.

Old, grotty and a tad unpleasant, Cripps is hardly popular, but until this cave-in incident it was at least regarded as  being structurally sound.

The offending court.

Many students have been left wondering whether the mishap was a stroke of bad luck, or an accident waiting to happen.

Hannah Potts reported ceiling leakage several times over five weeks. College, however, neglected to act. Selwyn claims to ‘aim to fix around 90% of all problems within two working days’.

Students affected by the cave-in have been temporarily rehoused.

This isn’t Selwyn’s first failure on the accommodation front. Students were outraged earlier this year to find that rooms ranked in College’s A* price-band were infected with FUNGUS.