YouTube Video Of The Week: Week Eight

“Its legs flail hypnotically like a squid, and it seems to be chanting some satanic verse as it slides around the room.” YouTube Video Of The Week brings you a chubby baby in its last installment of Michaelmas.

Chubby Baby

Its legs flail hypnotically like a squid, and it seems to be chanting some satanic verse as it slides around the room. Plus it has a massive forehead. Without a shadow of a doubt, this baby will be the ruin of mankind. What is it? What does it want? Can it breathe underwater? Are there more like it? And what will happen to the world when it builds up its stamina, and can wriggle around the globe all day and night? I really think we should start investigating whether there’s something poisonous in the water supply that’s mutating infants. Where’s Erin Brockovich when you need her?


If you liked this then you’ll love… “The rent is too damn high” party

If you thought I was scaremongering by alerting you to the greatest threat that mankind has ever faced (ie. that weird chubby baby), then listen to Jimmy McMillan trying to bring the real issues into politics. And he’s got a point. The rent is too damn high. Plus, as he informs us, he’s a karate master. And he’s got a really funky beard. Why isn’t this guy mayor of New York?
