The Fo’Show : Recording at St John’s (ft Mark Liu)

JUDITH FAGELSON witnesses the blossoming of love during this light hearted and whimsical broadcast.

[Rating: 3.5/5]

Tuesday 25th January, 7.00pm, St John’s

Having acquired my first taste of The Fo’ Show last week, I returned with high expectations. Once again, I was not disappointed. This recording took place in the more conventional location of St John’s; home of the “enigmatic” guest panellist of the week Mark Liu. My heart sank as within minutes I heard the first “I’d rather be at Oxford than St John’s” joke. John’s-slating reminds me of Christmas cracker jokes: repetitive, predictable and never funny. Luckily, though, both presenter and panellists had the good sense not to dwell on their location, and from here on I have scarcely a bad word to say.

The rounds remained funny and unpredictable. Mark Liu and Phoebe Luckhurst both submitted entries on ‘True Lad’ which were deemed too inappropriate to be published (ones involving rape, murder and incest…need I say more?). Mark, who has gained infamy from his “vlogs,” added a touch of borderline insanity to the show with a bag of presents for co-panellist-cum-love-interest Phoebe. They included, among other things, a slab of Lurpak butter. Make of this romantic gesture what you will; I believe I may have witnessed the start of a beautiful relationship.

I do have one real criticism: although last week I praised the show for its professionalism, this week that professionalism waned somewhat. At the risk of sounding like Henry Higgins, or perhaps my own grandmother, I feel that the panellists could improve their enunciation. While I have no doubt that everything they said was pure genius, I often struggled to hear them. It seems a shame that some potentially funny lines were lost to rushing and mumbling.

Overall though, this week was another triumph for The Fo’ Show– Light-hearted, whimsical and good fun, it’s definitely worth half an hour of your time.