Exclusive: Robinson May Ball Sells Out Before General Release

All tickets for Robinson May Ball sold out before making it to general release tonight – but no Robinson students will miss out.

Tickets for Robinson May Ball never made it to general release tonight, because they had already sold out.

Robinson students have been able to get their hands on tickets since Friday, and the Ball has proven so popular that there are already none left, after less than 48 hours.

Robinson May Ball Ents Officer Aron Solomons explained to The Tab: “Basically, you could get five guest tickets, so people just bought for their friends.”

But it did leave those waiting for general sale at 6pm tonight disappointed when they found that there was nothing left to buy.

Robinson’s ‘Folie D’une Nuit’ Ball last year

This is by no means the first such occurrence this year. Jesus also sold out before general release a few weeks ago, leaving a shocked ball committee with lots of frustrated Jesuans without tickets.

It seems a similar story of buying for friends, as Ben Strak, a 2nd year architect at Jesus, told The Tab: “A lot of people were buying their maximum allotment of 9 tickets. Me and my friends all got ours as we bought them really early.” Whereas Jesuans had a week to buy their tickets, Robinson have sold out in under two days.

The Jesus committee promised to ‘prioritise Jesus students should further tickets become available,’ but Solomons insists that there won’t be any Robinson students left in a similar position.

He said: “I’m pretty sure everyone [at Robinson] has one, but we’ve kept some tickets in reserve in case they haven’t.” There is also a waiting list set up on their website, which any students who missed out can join.

The waiting list now on the tickets section of their website.

The Jesus committee put their quick selling out of tickets down to “a popular theme as well as the excellent impression left by balls in previous years,” and this could be the case with Robinson’s ball.

Entitled Guardians of the Realm and offers guests the opportunity to “revel in the splendour of Kings and Queens,” offering treats such as goblets of wine and a  hog roast, if they got the chance.

More reactions to follow.

Find out the latest gossip on all the balls by checking out The Tab’s May Ball Guide.