Juan’s World: Birthday Special
For Juan’s 21st birthday last week, he invited over 600 people to a three day bonanza. Welcome, once again, to Juan’s World. Video included.
Juan Zober de Francisco is one of Cambridge’s best known figures. He’s run student campaigns, come within a whisker of leading the Union and organised more parties than you can shake a stick at. In fact, for his 21st birthday last week, he invited over 600 people to a three day bonanza. Welcome to Juan’s World.
Here is his guide to throwing a party:
The Schedule:
Day: Drinks reception for non-Cambridge guests.
Night: Join us for a pre-lash at KING’S BAR then JellyBabies @ CINDIES.
Expect: loud reunion hugs and louder music.
Day: Join us for a pub brunch before some pirate punts vs kayaks on the Cam with some picnicking/lunching somewhere. Then a pub-crawl! Why not?
Night: Provost Sheppard’s Formal @ King’s (King’s only, I’m afraid), drinks at La Raza and then Fiesta @ FEZ.
Expect: tequila and tunes.
Day: To be determined (Grantchester trip?).
Night: 8-Track in King’s Bar (featuring the likes of Truly Medley Deeply and the Yapps). Possibility of an afterparty will be explored.
Why three days?
Why not?
What does turning 21 mean to you?
Not that much, actually. Turning 18 was a bigger deal. Apparently 21 means I’m ‘really’ an adult now. Not entirely sure what that means yet, but I’m sure I’ll find out.
What makes a good party?
Fun people and a festive atmosphere I suppose.
Who was the guest of honour?
No specific individual; I was happy to see a couple of friends from home and my brother, as well as most of my close friends from college and around Cambridge. My dad will be here this weekend (I’m taking him to formal on his first night, should be fun!), and my mother will visit soon. Oh, and I met The Tab‘s Mark Liu for the first time, which was a treat.
Anyone else?
Two randomers deserve a mention. After getting kicked out of Cindies I spent about an hour chatting with this guy called Lee, who shared a beer with me and gave me advice on how not to become homeless. And I randomly went kayaking with someone called Greg, whose family come from Jersey and build boats.
Did it go as you hoped?
Yep. While I didn’t quite expect to get kicked out of Cindies (at least not that quickly), my only real regret is that because it was raining, we didn’t go pirate punting.