Police Attacked Over King’s Affair
King’s College Student Union has issued a statement strongly condemning the actions of the police in the protest last week.
King’s College Students Union (KCSU) has released a statement slamming the the police for their behaviour in the arrests of two students on King’s College property on the 24 February.
KCSU president Chad Allen sent the release round in an email yesterday to King’s students. The police have been accused of acting “in contempt of the porters, students and fellows” and of “using pepper spray and significant force” and a “disproportionate level of violence.”
The statement also stresses how the police repeatedly ignored orders to get off King’s property in arresting King’s student Jacob Wills and sixth former Miles Watson, despite them not having permission to be on the grounds.
It follows up the thoughts of the college’s Vice Provost Basim Musallam, who led initial protests against the arrests. Not everyone is happy with KCSU’s decision though.
Police seen here during the protest holding a student for questioning in Coast.
In an email sent to The Tab last night, King’s student Tom Collins pointed out that a decent number of people had voted against supporting the statement, saying that the open meeting had been very one-sided without a police presence.
He added: “I and others felt that…as the police were not represented, it wasn’t appropriate for KCSU to be passing motions without being presented all the facts.” Collins also noted that he was not trying to undermine the decision though.
The statement comes after a march through town and the Grand Arcade last Monday against government cuts. In a protest that included toilet rolls, drums and cowbells, the police caused outrage among many students for their part in the incident at King’s. One officer is also alleged to have hit people over the head with his walkie talkie.