The Tab Do Doxbridge: Part 2
On day 2 The Tab’s fearless reporters encounter cheerleaders, Guinness and an International hockey match.
Read Oscar and Henry’s account of Day 1 at Doxbridge here.
Four hours sleep was never going to lead to an enjoyable morning, but our pain was lessened by two things. Firstly, unlike the rest of our travellers, we didn’t have to play a day of sport in our semi-drunk/semi-hungover state. Secondly, the hostel served breakfast muffins.
Coaches arrived at 8.30 to take us to University College Dublin, whose sports facilities played host to the day’s Hockey, Netball and Rugby action.
After some initial administrative chaos, matches began to get under way and we decided to watch a match of Netball between Jesus College, Oxford, and Halifax College, York.
UCD Sports Hall
Despite having their own three-woman cheerleading squad, Jesus adopted questionable tactics that included lying on the floor at key moments, doing star jumps and collectively embracing the referee.
Unsurprisingly, the Oxford team had a bit of a shocker, managing only one point.
Next we took in some Rugby 10s. As we arrived, John Snow College, Durham, were finishing up a dominating performance over New College, Oxford. The result was unsurprising. The night before a New College Rugby player had complained that John Snow had 24 players, while New College had just enough to field a team. “They’ve got subs and everything!”, he moaned.
Next up were Derwent College, York, against Alcuin College, York. Both teams seemed to have been taking tips from Jesus’ Netball coach, as they too opted for the tactic of throwing themselves to the floor at random points in the game.
The tactic proved less than successful however, and between them the teams managed a broken wrist and a broken thumb.
While we were watching the rugby, we got wind that coincidentally there was an international hockey match taking place between Ireland and USA just a stone’s throw away. We took in the first half, which ended one all, shouting some expert encouragement such as “come on, flick it!” and “get it in the goal!”
Ireland vs. USA, the classic rivalry
Tired of them not taking our advice on board, we instead opted to watch Christ’s College, Cambridge, demolish Castle College, Durham, 5-0. Durham substitutes also enjoyably played up to stereotypes, talking sullenly about how their Oxbridge interviews failed but they “wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway.”
Christ’s winning team talk
We had the afternoon to ourselves so decided to find out what Dublin is really like, ie. we went to the Guinness factory.
We learnt how to pull the perfect pint, the history of Guinness and even got to enjoy one of the said perfect pints. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
As we type, a group of Durham girls have wandered into the foyer dressed as old men and women. Looks like more of the same tonight.
Check back tomorrow to find out how Oscar and Henry get on with your challenges tonight…