Robinson Student Killed By Tourist Bus

Robinson post-graduate Christopher Bethnell has died after being hit by an open-topped tourist bus outside Queens.

Cambridge student Christopher Bethell has died after being hit by an open-topped tourist bus outside Queens’ College.

The collision happened on Sunday afternoon, as Christopher stepped out to cross the road. He was rushed to Addenbrooke’s but died from his head injuries.

Queens’ students sunbathing on Erasmus Lawn opposite saw an emergency helicopter land at the scene. Andy Payne, a first year historian, told The Tab: “I was sitting in my room reading when I heard the noise of the engine, so I went to the window and saw the helicopter land. I rang my friend, who’d also seen it but we didn’t know what was going on. We guessed it was serious, but I can’t believe what’s happened.”

Norma Bethell has spoken of her grief at her son’s unexpected death, saying: “This terrible accident is almost too much to bear. He must have been preoccupied at the end of his term and simply stepped out at the wrong time, that’s all it takes.”

Mrs Bethell is now calling for a 20mph speed limit along Queens Road, where the accident took place. “There are so many students using that road who are stressed with exams and whose minds are elsewhere.”

31-year old Christopher studied Land Economy at Robinson as an undergraduate, gaining his BA in 2001. He returned to Cambridge just last year to study planning in developing studies, following in the footsteps of his father Ian, a retired environmental planner.


The helicopter landing to attend to the incident

According to Mrs Bethell, her husband Ian, who suffers from dementia: “hasn’t really taken it in yet that Christopher has gone.” She added: “I can’t quite believe what’s happened. It’s so tragic and such a waste.”

A keen sportsman, Christopher represented Cambridge at table tennis and had a love for travelling. When his mum went to his room after his death she found a travel guide to Portugal “lying open on his bed.”

Mrs Bethell said she would remember him as: “very conscientious and diligent… a gentle character and a truly marvellous son.”

Anyone with any information about the accident should contact the roads policing unit on 0345 4564564.