Exclusive: Gyp Room Rampage Threatens Queens’ Bops

The future of bops at Queens’ is on the line after vandalism of gyp rooms during Halloween.

Queens’ have been FORBIDDEN from holding a Halloween bop in college next year and all ents have been put “on notice” after students went on a dangerous and destructive rampage through the college’s gyp rooms.

In an email QEnts President Aleks Piotrowski warned the future of Queens’ Ents was in doubt after students at the Halloween bop:

– STOLE food

– SMASHED eggs

– Deliberately left hot plates ON

Whilst others boozed and bopped in Queens’ Fitzpatrick Hall, a small group broke away and ransacked gyp rooms in at least 3 staircases in Cripps Court.

Students living on CC staircase were “disgusted” to find their food had been nicked and eggs smashed all over the gyp room floor, work surface and even into the kettle.

A “pissed off” Louise Holt from Queens’ told The Tab: “I still won’t use the kettle in case my coffee tastes egglike.”

Her neighbour James Eales, owner of the pilfered eggs, believes he heard the troublemakers at work: “I woke up around 3am to loud voices and bangs coming from the kitchen. I was going to get up and go see what was going on, but I was in my underwear.”

Theirs wasn’t the only kitchen to face a battering from the battered bop-goers. Manon Lewis, in DD staircase, woke up to a “sink half-full of sweetcorn,” and even hummus in the toaster.

“It was disrespectful and dangerous”, she told The Tab, “We had to wash the toaster with water and couldn’t use it for ages afterwards.”

The unsuspecting victims

Other more dangerous pranks included leaving a metal cheesegrater in a microwave, and deliberately leaving a hot plate on with food on it.

As a result of the chaos, QEnts President Aleks Piotrowski said in an email: “Ents is now ‘on notice’ meaning that if anything like this happens tonight or at Jingles (the xmas bop) then permission for bops next term may be refused.”

The Tab can exclusively reveal that the Denim bop last night was only allowed to go ahead due to its importance as an LGBT welfare event. The Dean has forbidden QEnts from holding a Halloween bop in college next year.

Piowtroski was keen to emphasise that the unusually large presence of non- Queens students attracted to the Halloween bop has to be taken into account. He told The Tab that “This doesn’t mean there won’t be a bop next year as we can take it out of college- often bops like this can be even better.”

After the chaos at Halloween, the Denim bop was heavily policed and turned out to be a huge success. In an email, Queens’ students were told they would only be able to get in or out of various areas of college with their uni cards, and a bouncer would be policing the entrance to the bar.

The situation is beginning to look eerily similar to events of 2 years ago, when all non-academic related events at Queens’ were cancelled due to vandalism in college.

Queens’ students are furious that their infamous Ents have been threatened by drunken outsiders. 2nd year James Eales summed up the feelings of many when he said the culprits were “being complete dicks for no reason.”