Theatre Guide Dog: Week 1

THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG delves ever deeper into delusion and denial.

It rises at night and advances with a deceptive gentleness, but you know: it is always there. Never escapable, ever relentless: the unfinished holiday essay. And what better place to drown yourself in delusional denial than the ADC bar? For once you might even blend right in.

Corpus Smoker – 23rd January only

Dust off your diaphragm and head on down for the first of the smaller and more L-shaped of the smokers.

Corpus Playroom, 9.30pm £5-6

The Dumb Waiter – 24th-28th January 

Tap them metaphorical arms and tighten those theatrical tourniquets, your termly hit of Pinter is here. ALREADY.

Corpus Playroom, 7pm £5-6

Swagger! – 24th-28th January

The most subdued of the performing arts takes over the ADC with its annual outburst.

ADC, 7.45pm £6-10

Zombie Haiku – 24th-28th January 

No one really knows what this is about, but it should be praised for taking the “quirky” Corpus lateshow title to heights previously unimagined.

Corpus Playroom, 9.30pm £5-6

Footlights and Friends – 24th January only

Not content with pissing contempt over our smaller and weaker associates in our online media, Cambridge invites Leeds and Bristol over to humiliate in person.

ADC, 11pm £6-7

Pick Me Up – 25th-28th January

Four frequent Footlight-y funnymen flaunt a four-night farce.

ADC, 11pm £4-6