Exposed: The Cambridge Craigslist

Exposed: The Cambridge Craigslist…Not for the faint-hearted.


 While some of us rely on swaps, the Cindies’ smoking area, and the sculptural rhythmic stylings of Charles Mingus to get laid, if you’re feeling lazy or just fancy the prospect of ending up dismembered in a deep freeze then why not check out Cambridge’s Craigslist? As you may know Craigslist is a site offering the chance to post free online classified ads, many of which can be found in the “casual encounters” section. Here are a few of my favourites.

This is S and she wants to sell you her “really dirty” photos. It’s true, nothing says dirty like an inside out sleeping bag and some grey Debenhams bedsheets.



This girl may well have a couple of things going for her but when she describes her accommodation situation with “I cannot have people over unfortunately. But I can stay out as long as I like” alarm bells should be ringing, unless you want to end up in bed with 14 year old who lives with her parents (who actually sound pretty cool if they let her stay out as long as she wants).



For one lucky son of a bitch this girl is definitely ‘the one’. Knows how to play playstation? Check. Has a tabby cat that can shoot celestial energy beams out of its right paw? Check. I think I’m in love.



Here we have a self-confessed “tall athletic slim/med build, professional and clean” man. So far so good. “Adore curvy and big women of all ages”. Great. “I’d love to worship your body.” Oops. He’s just betrayed the fact he carries a hacksaw and some bleach in his backpack.  Although bear in mind this is the only photo of a man I could find without an extremely aggressive penis shot, so he’s probably a pretty decent sort of bloke.



I was once asked how far I would go with Megan Fox if she had a small, inoffensive male member.  I find myself asking the same question when admiring this pasty transvestite.



Also on Craigslist, someone is selling a rather nice candle.





So there you have it. Next time you’ve spent all evening in the Cambridge clubs, frotting someone’s behind in vain, you know where to go.