David Leigh Resigns As Union President

The Union have announced that David Leigh is resigning as President-elect for Easter term due to “academic reasons.”

David Leigh has resigned as Union president-elect for Easter term.

The Union sent an email to members in the early hours of this morning announcing that Leigh, a second year PPS student at St Catz, has decided to resign for “academic reasons.” 

Leigh told The Tab: “It would be fair to say that I’m not really setting the academic world alight at the moment. In fact, I have more supervisions left for this term than there are days.

“While I have enjoyed my involvement with the Union, I have had to remind myself why I am at University. Dining with cabinet ministers and punting with Miss World may be fun, but it has come to a point when I need to retire to the library.

“I hope members enjoyed the events I helped to organise and I am certain they will enjoy some of the things already lined up for next term; it promises to be a great one.”

Leigh, who stood unopposed in last term’s elections, said the decision to resign was entirely personal and stressed he hadn’t faced pressure from his college.

Leigh said he wouldn’t rule out the possibility of standing for Union positions in the future, and said he’s “always happy to help out.”

Asked if he had a message for his replacement, Leigh simply said: “Good luck and enjoy!”

In a statement the Union said they: “fully support David’s decision and we wish him all the best for the future.”

Current President Katie Lam added: “It’s a great shame that David has had to leave, although we fully understand his decision.

“He was the most successful Treasurer we can remember and was particularly dedicated to bringing something a bit different to the Union – he aimed to appeal to a wider audience with events like Denim, which is next Friday, and the Made in Chelsea debate in Michaelmas. We all wish David the very best for the future.”

A by-election will now be held on 14th March to find a new President. Nominations for candidates open today and close on the 12th, giving presidential hopefuls just two days to mobilise a campaign.

The Union also announced that elections will also be held for a new Treasurer-elect, prompting speculation that current incumbent Michael Black will be running for President.