The Return of Library Whispers
NICK SINCLAIR investigates the renaissance of Cambridge’s favourite exam term social media phenomenon.
Whether you fancy a hand shandy in amongst the dusty periodicals of the UL or you just want to monitor the movement of insects, Library Whispers is the site for you.
Back for a second year, the website allows students to post anonymous comments from libraries around Cambridge and is due to relaunch tonight thanks to popular demand. I spoke to one of the creators of the site, Oliver Rees, who was keen to tell me all about the new features available this year.
The site will now incorporate a hash tag system like Twitter, which will allow students to see trending topics. Rees suggested the hash tag #EnglishExam, but I imagine that #LibrarianCleavage and #AwkwardAccidentalFootsieWithPersonSittingAcrossFromMe will emerge as top trends for the exam season.
The coming weeks may also see the introduction of the ‘@’ symbol for contacting other users, based on their library and the time. I am hoping this will greatly facilitate my fantasy of a three way on a bed of well-thumbed copies of the Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science, but unfortunately there are no confirmed reports of any sexual liaisons ever actually having taken place.
The idea for Library Whispers was hatched when one of the creators witnessed a librarian snoozing in her chair. After the frustration of not being able to share this experience with anyone at the time he wanted to create a site that would allow students, who may sit next to each other for weeks in total silence, to communicate.
Highlights from last year included a minute-by-minute update on all wasp movements in the Department of PPSIS, May Ball related leaks, and a number of “incredibly obscene” proposals. Still more juicy content was blocked from the site, only to appear in The Tab some weeks later…
Start projecting your own filth and suggestion at www.librarywhispers.co.uk.