Varsity Ski Trip 2012

Thinking of going? REANNE MACKENZIE talks you through the Alps’ hottest party this year.


Many students cite the Varsity Ski Trip as the highlight of their Cambridge experience. With booking for this year’s trip fast approaching, The Tab presents its companion to everyone’s favourite week of sun, snow and partying.

When: 1st-8th December. This is very early for the ski season; last year, the buses arrived before any snow had fallen at all. Do not come on Varsity with the intention of having the most epic ski ever – think of it as more of a mountain carnival with a bit of skiing chucked in.

Where: Val Thorens. It’s one of the highest resorts in France, meaning it normally gets the first snow of the season. The 2011 trip, despite its slow start, was blessed with a blizzard that continued for 48 hours. If you’re a fair weather skier, be warned: it’s mighty chilly at this time of year. Everyone (i.e. the people not going) will attempt to bait you by saying there will be no snow. DO NOT LISTEN. Some people come on this trip and don’t even ski, so relax. There will be snow.

Entertainment: Err skiing, snowboarding? Also sledging. Var-city (clever pun) is a mountainside hub with free burgers, booze and a selection of DJs across the week. Tim Westwood set the ball rolling last year with a plethora of crude shout outs, the most arousing of which was: “put your hands in the air if you’ve got a clean pussy!” He’s 54 years old. Things got awkward.

“Put your hands in the air if you’ve got a clean pussy!”

The rest of last year’s line-up saw DJ Fresh, Basement Jaxx and Ms Dynamite take to the stage on the opening and closing night parties. As for the rest of the week, think silent discos, live band performances, and comedy nights. The après-ski is one of the best parts of the trip.

Accommodation:  VT is not only perfect for Varsity because of its altitude, but also because it has a lot of cheap, high-rise accommodation. Ideal for students. Expect it to be cramped and pretty basic. You can cook for yourself, and the coach makes a stop at a big supermarket before you get into the resort so you can stock up on supplies (read: alcohol) for the week ahead.

Price: Varsity advertises at £329, which is ludicrously cheap for a ski holiday. However, be prepared for it to be plus, plus, plus. For example, it’s extra for all the parties, extra for better skis and boots, extra for a more comprehensive lift pass, extra for optional stash. Overall you’re probably looking at something like £550 for the entire week – which is still pretty good, but don’t let them fool you into thinking you’re having the best week of your life for next to nothing.

Things hot up at Var-city

Tickets: Released on 13th October at 8am – and they will sell like hotcakes. Last year’s sold out in just 6 hours, so set your alarm early and get in the online queue to avoid missing out.

Visit for more details.