Little Show Peep: Week 3

Little Show Peep shepherds you through an unusually futuristic week.


Eight pairs of duologians fight for the title of Duologue Champions. Who wins? You decide. Don’t be judgmental, but do make judgments. And make sure your judgments are your own. After all, that’s what sheep are good at.

Corpus Playroom, 9.30pm, £5/6

DUBLIN CAROL – Tue 23 – Sat 27 October

This is by the Irish playwright Conor McPherson, so we’re in safe darkly comic hands. One Christmas eve, a Dublin undertaker called John Plunkett is haunted by the ghost of his past. Much like a dark Irish take on Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. I can’t think of anything better.

Corpus Playroom, 7.00pm, £5/6

WHAT? WORLD – Tue 23 – Sat 27 October

This is a dystopia set in 2080 AD. It claims to combine ‘the techniques of Beckett’, ‘Brechtian social conscience’ and, er, wit. ‘What?’ is probably what you’re meant to be thinking. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.

Pembroke New Cellars, 7pm, £5/6

WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING – Tue 23 – Sat 27 October

This is set a little earlier in the future – 2039 – and begins with a fish falling from the sky. It’s about a father/son relationship: betrayal, abandonment, you know the rest. If you liked The Apocalypse Bear Trilogy, here’s a chance to expand your experience of Aussi theatre.

ADC, 7.45pm, £6/10

POP NOT BROTH – Tue 23 – Sat 27 October

According to its camdram entry, this play is ‘not suitable for anyone’. ‘Pop not Broth’ involves necrophillic sex, illegal drugs, and humour. It’s written and directed by Tom Duggins, so it’s basically his baby.

Corpus Playroom, 9.30pm, £5/6


Madame Bovary has taken many forms. Flaubert wrote it as a novel, Posy Simmonds drew it as a cartoon; novelist Fay Weldon adapted it as a play. And now the Pembroke Players are acting that play. It’s all set at Emma’s final breakfast, during which her tragic muddle of a history is drudged up for the last time.

Pembroke New Cellars, 7pm, £5/6

FOOTLIGHTS SMOKER  – Tuesday 23 October

It’s time for another one, sheep. If grim plays aren’t your thing, pre-book and flock on over for a night of Footlights fun.

ADC, 11pm, £6/7

THE BLOODY CHAMBER – Wed 24 – Sat 27 October

You don’t mess with Angela Carter. But she messes with fairy tales – this time, with Bluebeard. In Paris, a young pianist is swept off her feet by a mysterious Marquis, only to find herself alone in his castle – with permission to enter any room bar one. I sense a Pandora’s box situation. It’s bound to be disturbing – hopefully in a good way.

ADC, 11.00pm, £4/6