Farsity Trip? Ski tickets STILL on sale

Nine days after general release, there are STILL Varsity Ski Trip tickets left.


Tickets for this year’s Varsity Trip are still available, NINE DAYS after they went on sale, despite last year’s selling out in an impressive SIX HOURS, amid what some are labelling an over-ticketing blunder.

Last year, hundreds of extra tickets were made available to satisfy demand from snow-starved students, after many were left disappointed when they were too slow off the mark.

It is not clear why enthusiasm for the trip has waned. Last year’s was widely hailed as a success, with snow even deciding to make a last-minute appearance after weeks of scaremongering – that students would be skiing on concrete.

Varsity Trip’s latest post on Facebook read: “VARSITY TRIP 2012 PLACES STILL AVAILABLE!! Incredibly there are still tickets available for Varsity Trip 2012!!” Which did not do much to hide the panic the reps and organisers must be feeling, with reports that The Other Place are also struggling to get rid of their allocation.

An email to Varsity mailing list recipients attempted to entice students further, by listing three reasons why they should part with £329 (minimum): snow, workshops and a discounted snowboard magazine subscription.

This concealed anxiety comes after confident boasts from organisers when bookings first opened over a week ago. An early email read: “Varsity Trip has taken over 2000 bookings in under 90 minutes! Tickets are still available but are going fast”.

Hours later students were told: “Spaces have flown off the shelf this morning and there are just 500 places remaining!”

Dara Annett, Selwyn’s Varsity trip rep for this year, told The Tab: “I’m sure not alone in not understanding why the trip hasn’t sold out yet.

“It was awesome last year, the committee have put on some great new options – like the Selwyn Snow ball coach – and there’s already snow falling.

“But even if the trip doesn’t sell out, it will still be awesome either way!”