Law Loos Left Unloved

A complaint has been sent to all lawyers after students are failing to flush.

Lawyers have been reminded to flush after using the toilets in the faculty.

In an email circulated around the whole department, students have been asked to think about “the state in which the toilets in the faculty building are being left” because of “low water pressure in the building [that] can sometimes cause issues with the flushing systems” after complaints were received.

According to the email, faculty staff members have had to “clean them up throughout the day” as they’re being left in such sordid conditions.

Law at Cambridge – better than a poke in the eye with a shitty stick?

The building has also suffered other setbacks. Its architecture means that any noise inside the building is heard clearly in the library, and a one-way system was recently introduced to tackle gridlocks outside lecture halls.

The problem is nothing new to Law students, who have been consistently complaining about the issue since the beginning of term.

One second year lawyer told The Tab: “The toilets really are awful, especially by the afternoon. I’ve started avoiding drinking anything before lectures. It’s too much hassle.”

Fresher lawyers in particular are horrified that their place at Oxbridge has come to this. Anna, a first year law student, told The Tab: “I knew I should have gone to Nottingham!”

Meanwhile, the e-mail hasn’t gone unnoticed by others. Katie, an MML student said: “Trust the lawyers. They haven’t even graduated yet but they’re already getting their hands dirty.”

Although the e-mail does seem to have made a difference quickly. A third year lawyer told us: ‘I’ve noticed a big improvement. I think the e-mail embarrassed people into treating the building with a bit of respect.’