COMPETITION: May Ball Madness!

The Tab offers you the chance to win a free suit hire during for May Week, courtesy of Superflyblacktie.

May Week is coming.

But with exams on the horizon, the last thing you want to be worrying about is how you’re going to source a black tie suit for what will undoubtedly be the best week of your life.

That’s why we at The Tab have teamed up with Superflyblacktie to offer THREE lucky competition winners FREE suit hire for the big night.

And, since we’re feeling generous, we’ll throw in a complementary five-minute massage – to ease those Exam Term anxieties.

Now, we understand that this competition is perhaps rather more appealing to male students than it is their female counterparts. That’s why Superflybacktie is also offering a FREE five-minute massage to THREE female winners!

All you need to do to be in chance of winning is:

1. Click the photo above and follow the link to the Facebook photo.

2. ‘Like’ the photo.

3. Share the photo.

What are you waiting for? Join the May Ball madness NOW!


Competition closes at MIDNIGHT on Wednesday, 8th May. Open to Cambridge students only. Winners can be fitted any time before 10th May. 

For more information on Superflyblacktie and details of when they’re coming to your college, visit their website. 

Fittings take place at the UL Café or ARC Café (Sidgiwck Site) at 12-2pm every Tuesday and Thursday in May. Every suit booking gets a complimentary five-minute massage, snack or drink and a 2 for 1 drink offer at Cindies.