Calling All Performers…

Cambridge students are taking to the streets to display their talents to raise money for Jimmy’s Night Shelter. And The Tab needs YOUR help!


Exams are drawing to a close and a week of debauchery and excess beckons on the horizon. While this year’s festivities may be lighter on jelly expenditure than May Weeks previous, we can be sure this’ll be rectified with more champers, more fireworks, more Truly Medley Deeply.

This year, however, The Tab will be hoping to harness a little bit of the bountiful mirth on display and channel it to a good cause by holding the first ever “Busk ’til Dusk”.

Our aim is to pool the talents of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin and city musicians and performers to busk from 9am – 5pm on Tuesday 18th June, with all money raised going to Jimmy’s Night Shelter. Jimmy’s is the only emergency accommodation provider in the city, housing 20 men and women per night that would otherwise be forced to sleep rough on the streets of Cambridge.

In order for this to happen, we need YOUR help. We need you talented bunch to get involved. If you think you could fill a short slot (15 – 20 minutes) at any time during the day, please contact us at [email protected] to sign up.