Urine Trouble! Student Banned From College Bar

A Robinson student was slapped with a bar ban after being found in a puddle of urine… in his own room. JOE WHITWELL reports.

A Robinson student who was playing pub golf on a Saturday evening to ward off mid-Michaelmas blues was returned home by two police officers. As they left the college, the officers advised the porters to check up on the student, believed to be a fresher, later on in the night.

Doing so, in the early hours of the morning, the porters found the student passed out in his own urine.

Off limits

Seeing the Dean the next day, the student left with a College Bar Ban until his finals, even though he had not visited the college bar at all the previous night.

Commenting on the incident, a linguist at King’s remarked that he “should have been fined for damages, not banned from the bar.”

One Selwyn Natsci suggested that the student may have had one too many and ended up in a “wee bit of a state.”

A sage Downing Fresher contributed by saying that “someone from Downing also pissed himself last night”.

The Tab understands that the latter student may still visit his college bar.