Flag declared fit for King’s
Soviet flag is to stay at King’s college. Jack McConnel reports.
Last night, King’s students performed an unexpected U-turn, voting to keep the controversial Soviet flag they had rallied to scrap.
A poll is now open for King’s students to decide which symbol will accompany the hammer and sick flag on the walls of the bar.
The proposals include ‘Putin as a gay icon’, a portrait of Margaret Thatcher, a photograph of Alan Turing and the infamous Friends prop, Gladys.
During a fiery debate, Max Kelsey, a second-year historian, proposed the motion that last term’s meeting was grounded on ‘inaccurate’ information: the flag which currently hangs in King’s bar is the symbol of the Khrushchev, not Stalinist, era.
Lisa Karlin, who originally put forward the flag’s removal, was outraged:
“Is anyone here going to tell people ‘Oh no, that’s Kruschev, not Stalin’ when they come through the door?”
Amongst the increasingly tetchy voters, The Tab overheard one weary NatSci saying, “There can’t be this much fucking democracy.”
The ‘Flustings’ debate was dominated by KCSU Domus Officer, Giles Pengelly, aka ‘Tory Giles’, who nominated the Thatcher portrait – admitting he had once dreamt about her.
One Choir Scholar proposed a satirical flag proclaiming Eton and King’s to be ‘4eva’.
Russian president, Vladimir Putin, set against a rainbow background proved a popular nomination.
As if we didn’t need any more persuading, the proposer explained “Putin is a massive gay icon. Just look at those pecs!”
A chalk board was dismissed due to the expected encouragement of “too many willies.”
More iconic options include an image of ‘Free Mandela’ graffiti on the side of King’s Chapel as well as a photograph of Alan Turing. Turing, the WWII codebreaker persecuted for being gay, is a King’s alumnus and was posthumously pardoned late last year.
Watch this space for later updates on the final outcome of the ‘flustings’ debate