Watersprite 2014: Your Weekend Planner
CHLOE COLEMAN tells cinephiles and casual cinema-goers alike how to make the most of their Watersprite Festival long weekend.
The wait is almost over. Watersprite Student Film Festival kicks off on Friday, and with a line up including Richard Curtis, Rob Brydon and Jim Broadbent, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Whether you’re a Watersprite Veteran or an overwhelmed first-timer, the Tab is on hand to help you make the most of the weekend.
Oh, and did we mention that it’s all free?
Suggestions for First-Timers
Opening Ceremony: In Conversation with Richard Curtis (Friday 7th March, 7.30pm, Gonville and Caius, Bateman Auditorium)
It’s okay, you’re allowed to admit that you’re main aim of the weekend is celeb-spotting, so why not get started straight away? Be sure to lurk around Caius tomorrow evening if you’re a fan of Notting Hill et al but missed out on securing a free ticket – you may get a glimpse of the man himself.
Get ready for Brydon, a.k.a. Uncle Bryn
Rob Brydon: Behind the Laughter (Saturday 8th March, 4pm, St John’s College, Divinity School)
Gavin and Stacey favourite Rob Brydon will be discussing his own experiences within the entertainment industry and taking part in an audience Q&A – the perfect opportunity to ask any burning questions about life as a comedian, or indeed test your own wit…
Making Movies Sound Good (Sunday 9th March, 1.30pm, St John’s College Divinity School)
Aiden Shaw, Universal Music Publishing’s UK creative manager for film discusses the importance of music to the film industry, covering everything from a song’s first play on a major US series, to scoring original film music. Reserve a ticket to experience films from a new perspective.
Watersprite is a must for any keen cino bean
Suggestions for Veterans
Script Lab (Sunday 9th March, 11.30am, St John’s College, Divinity School)
Want to be in the film industry? Want to write scripts? Join development script editor Jamie Wolpert in an interactive workshop with the two winners of our screenwriting competition to find out what it takes to write an award-winning screenplay and have your questions answered by somebody in the business.
From Concept to Screen: Financing a Film (Sunday 9th March, 3.30pm, St John’s College, Divinity School)
Fancy something a little different? Budding filmmakers should head down to John’s for a discussion on financing film, where media advisory firm Bob and Co will be sharing their insider tips on what exactly an investor is looking for – be it for a student film budget, or a multi-million blockbuster.
Bron of ‘Bedazzled’ and ‘Help!’ fame, back in the day
Playing the Role of a Woman, (Sunday 9th March, 4pm, St John’s College, Divinity School)
Join an all-female panel including Eleanor Bron, a contemporary of legendary comedian Peter Cook, for a discussion of what it takes to be an actress, and whether being a woman can affect the way in which a career in acting unfolds. Not to be missed by any budding actresses seeking a bit of inspiration from women who were once in the same position.
Fancy going to any of these events? Reserve your tickets here.