Light Blues set to dominate Boat Race

Cambridge rowers will be confident ahead of this year’s Boat Race in pursuit of the BNY Mellon Boat Race, after weighing in at over 2kg more per man.

9 out of the last 12 winners of the famous race have had heavier crews.

The crews were weighed on Monday, with the Light Blues being on average 2.6kg per man heavier and just under 6cm taller than their Oxford rivals.

Looking stern

Despite being more experienced and featuring three Olympic medallists, Oxford have been hit by record-breaking rain which has had an impact upon the Dark Blue’s training.

Head Coach Sean Bowden admitted “It’s been a challenge, and we’re probably a little behind in some aspects. There’s more than enough to do in a Boat Race year without losing time.”

Of the 68 races since the war, the heavier crew has won 57% of the contests, while the taller crew has won 60% of the Races.

Cambridge Cox, Ian Middleton, despite being the youngest crew member, has coxed the GB Eight in the 2013 Junior World Championships. The squad also boasts plenty of Boat Race experience in the form of Bowman, Mike Thorp, who is in his fifth season- having raced in the Blue Boat twice and the Goldie Boat twice.

Nevertheless, Cambridge coach Steve Trapmore remains focused:

“It’s all very well sizing people up, you’ve got to be able to back it up.

“The team’s come together really well. There’s nowhere near the depth of experience that Oxford have, but I’m always confident.”

With height and weight, Cambridge have a big advantage. Credit: Getty Images

In the Newton Women’s Boat Race, Cambridge are on average 4kg per woman heavier than their Dark Blue counterparts. The ladies are also taller, with a height advantage of around 2cm per rower.

The 2014 BNY Mellon Boat Race will take place on 6th April 2014. The Newton Boat’s Race will be raced a week earlier on 30th Match.

After narrowly losing last year’s Race, it’s game on.