Tell her/him: Why being anonymous makes us horny
ALEX DAVIS quizzes the founder of the popular tell him/her Facebook page, where users post anonymous confessions of love.
It’s recently broken an impressive milestone of 2000 likes, but what is the appeal of anonymous posts of affection? We met up with the founder of the group who, fittingly, goes under the pseudonym Jane Tell.
Why did you start?
In all honesty, I was extremely bored. I had seen a couple of similar confession/secret pages and I thought that Cambridge was missing one so I decided to do something about it. Within a few days the messages started to roll in and almost 2 months down the line I am still getting messages. In fact, I actually had an offer from a random guy on Facebook to buy the page from me and he was looking to collect a number of them, but I politely declined.
How many people get in touch with you?
I reckon I get at least 2 or 3 messages a day and I try to post as many of them as I can but inevitably there are some ridiculously offensive ones and ones which just aren’t funny. I get messages from people across all years, all colleges and friendship groups. Sadly with exams and people going out less frequently the number of messages has predictably fallen. Nevertheless it still provides a nice break from my revision when I get a new message.
What’s the most outrageous thing someone has sent you?
I’ve had many outrageous messages of all sorts. Predictably, there have been loads of sexual ones which tend to be quite funny. My favourite ones tend to include some kind of word play with the name of the target – done well, they can be quite witty. I think the most outrageous one was ‘Rana Mallah -I’d cut my throat for you #Halal’ just because it was so bizarre but also worked well at the same time. The cheesiest one I received was probably ‘Pratyasha Saha- If I told you you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?’. But to be honest, it is difficult to pick a favourite – the page has produced a few gems.
Have you had any success stories? Do you fancy yourself as a bit of a matchmaker?
I haven’t heard of any! I really hope I have. It’d be great if a couple got together because of some crude, anonymous comment posted online. I don’t know about changing lives but my main concern is that nobody is offended by any of the posts. But I am still hopeful that someone is going to confess their love to me through it.
How do you think you compare to similar Cambridge based groups like ‘Overheard in Cambridge’ or ‘Spotted in Cambridge’?
I think that there is a place for all the pages online. I reckon that with people trying their best to procrastinate, all distractions are good distractions. Although I think my page is the only one of those pages specifically aimed at uni students.
Do you think your page has lost momentum – why?
Unfortunately it has. People have more important things to worry about what with exams. I should probably take it as a hint to start my own revision. Without Sunday Life or Wednesday Cindies bringing together drunk students there appears to be a lack of gossip around Cambridge. People sitting at their desk watching BBC iPlayer or other forms of internet TV just doesn’t produce the same kind of stories or lust. The only thing I can do is encourage the Fresher Historians and English students to make the most of their examless term and use the page as an outlet for their boredom whilst everyone else is working.
Got something on your mind? Head over to Cambridge tell him/her and spill your deepest desires.