Vote for Cambridge’s Best MILF

The Tab brings you your weekly instalment of sexy, sexy nerds. This week: Fit Mathmos.

Here at The Tab we firmly believe that beauty can flourish in the unlikeliest of places.

As a result, we have searched high and low to bring you the most beautiful humans that this university can offer.

This week, we paid a visit to the maths department, to bring you the fittest mathmos we could find.

Tim, Pembroke

Tim is a second year who enjoys red wine, a fireplace and an older woman.

His favourite part of maths is group theory.

Jake, Churchill

Jake is a fresher who enjoys playing guitar and taking long walks at sunset across Churchill field.

He loves mechanics, so ladies, this is the one to call if you need a bike/light fixing.

Tom, Fitz

Tom, a second year mathmo, is addicted to poker and enjoys wearing pink shorts and shouting.

Vlad, King’s

Vlad is interested in Number Theory and did Judo ‘for a long time’.”

So there you have it, Cambridge: some beautiful mathmos. But who is the fittest? You decide.


Next week, we will be looking for fit engineers.

If you or somebody you love fits the criteria, don’t hesitate to get in touch via [email protected]