BREAKING: LIBYAN SOLDIERS suspected sex attackers
Police have arrested three Libyan soldiers, who were training at a nearby barracks, after Cambridge’s recent spate of sex attacks
UPDATE (15:55 on Tuesday 28th Ocotber 2014):
Khaled El Azibi, 18, and Ibrahim Naji El Maarfi, 20, have both been charged with two counts of sexual assault. Maarfi has also been charged with one count of exposure.
Mohammed Abdalsalam, 27, is charged with one count of sexual assault and one count of threatening behaviour against a police officer.
The soldiers are due to appear before magistrates in Cambridge this afternoon.
The three were also questioned about six other attacks on women in Cambridge city centre on October 17.
Investigations into a serious sexual assault on a man on October 26 is not thought to be related and police say investigations are continuing.
Up to 2,000 Libyan troops are expected to be trained at Bassingbourn in separate groups over a 15 month period.
More than 300 Libyan soldiers arrived at the barracks in June to start a 24-week course.
They are being taught basic infantry and junior command skills in a bid to help bring stability to the war-torn country on their return.
They are currently being trained by the 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
It is understood the Libyan soldiers are allowed to leave the base at certain times and in accordance with their visa conditions.
Three men, aged 18, 20 and 27, have been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and are currently in custody at Parkside Police Station.
Cambridge News have reported a total of 10 sex attacks in Cambridge over just 9 days. This includes nine sexual assaults in the city centre and one serious sexual assault on Christ’s Pieces.
Speaking to The Tab, CUSU Welfare Officer Jack Wright said: “I really don’t have the words to describe how horrible all of this is and I hope that the perpetrators of these attacks really have been caught now.”
Police have arrested three men on suspicion of sexual assault
One male student commented:
“This happens far too frequently in Cambridge. What on earth are the police doing? They need to do their jobs better”.
Another female student told us these incidents haven’t affected her:
“I won’t be changing my habits as a result of this just as the original incidents didn’t make me change my attitudes towards being alone in Cambridge at night.”
Have these recent incidents changed your attitudes towards being alone at night? Let us known in the comments below.