Homophobic monk from hell arrested after taunting Cambridge LGBT in handwritten hate letter

A Catholic monk handing out leaflets in Cambridge describing AIDS as ‘God’s punishment for gays’ and transsexuals as ‘possessed by demons’ has been arrested


Cambridge is not immune.

In October, The Tab reported him distributing leaflets claiming homosexuality is linked to paedophilia and that transgender people should be exorcised.

A second round of leaflets earlier this month claimed that homosexuals are “like vampire” and that homosexuality is “a life of self-indulgence, self deceit and self-destruction.”

Fucking weirdo

Shortly after, PinkNews received a hand-written letter from ‘Brother Damon’ in which he claims he has been arrested “no less [sic] than 9 times” and personally gives Charlie Bell, The Tab‘s valiant new Editor-in-Chief, his “warmest regards.”

The letter goes on to clarify that he has “no hatred for ‘Gays’ as individuals, but as a political movement [they] are Antichrist and the Devil’s diciples [sic], and the Lord has told [Kelly] to oppose [them].”

A second-year at Caius was shocked: “This dude should be exorcised.”

The letter sent to PinkNews, signed off as ‘~The Monk~’. Eerie

Although Cambridgeshire police initially claimed handing out the leaflets was “not a crime” because “Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights gives individuals the right to Freedom of Expression,” it seems widespread media coverage has finally led to results.

The 53-year-old from Corby, Northamptonshire, was arrested on December 8th on suspicion of a “Section 5 public order offence.”

The arrest also revealed Kelly is the director of a Scottish Catholic charity called ‘the Black Hermits’.

The charity receives between £25,000 and £35,000 in donations each year, and spends between £45,000 and £57,000. In 2011, however, it reportedly spent £332,664 – potentially on the hatred-inciting leaflets.

Since then, the charity has filed no annual returns.

Representing vampires? Probs not

The charity claims “advancement of religion and promotion of Christianity and to promote Roman Catholic religion” as its primary aims.

“I can’t believe money given to a Christian charity could have been involved in spreading these messages of hatred,” said one Scottish fresher. “It’s absolutely disgusting.”

Kelly has been released on bail until January 20th. If any of our readers encounter him continuing his diabolical campaign of hate, The Tab advises calling Cambridgeshire Police on 101 to report it.