CUSU cringing hard in sex cam hashtag drama
Applying to Cambridge? Want a webcam bonk? It’s all the same, according to CUSU
The Cambridge University’s Students’ Union (CUSU) faces a new wave of serious backlash for its new would-be Twitter campaign #CamTweet.
The hashtag was meant as an access initiative inspired by Oxford University’s #OxTweet which had been ongoing for the last two years.
Its purpose is to provide future applicants with a platform to communicate with student representatives, helping to end negative stereotypes about Cambridge.
CUSU, however, failed to notice that the hashtag it was using was also used by users to post pornographic images and advertise webcam sex services online.
Baby Bunny is a 3rd year at Trinity studying Land Economy
The hashtag was quickly changed to #CambTweet in a desperate attempt by CUSU to remedy the embarrassing error.
This was however too late as the old hashtag had been retweeted many times over by Cambridge academics, various colleges and journalists.
Those poor applicants most definitely got the wrong end of the stick about Cantab career prospects
It seems students’ patience with the badly-run student union is running thin, with some Trinity freshers responding that this was “typical CUSU.”
Another fresher at Fitzwilliam was equally unimpressed: “CUSU was the only negative stereotype Cambridge needs to get rid of.”
A second year at Trinity, however, didn’t see the funny side: “This only further stigmatises those who work in the pornographic industry.”
At least no one gives a shit – CUSU’s controversial Twitter account has barely more than 300 followers, and Guardian research published in 2013 revealed that only a fifth of applicants were influenced by the Twitter accounts of their university of choice.
Ahhh CUSU. So blissfully unaware
The question remains; will porn stars hijack CUSU’s new hashtag too?