Buzzing! Union confirms Aldrin event
We’re all buzzing with excitement (overkill?)
Just when you thought the Union termcard was suddenly looking as dry as a decent martini, confirmation of Buzz Aldrin’s appearance on March 14th has changed the game once again.
The Union released this statement this morning:
“Following confirmation this morning, we are delighted to announce that Buzz Aldrin will be attending the Cambridge Union on 14th March.
Personally I think the coolest thing about him is that he got a Toy Story character named after him
Buzz Aldrin is an American engineer and former astronaut, selected by NASA in 1963. In 1966 on the Gemini 12 orbital mission, he performed the world’s first successful spacewalk. On July 20th, 1969, he and Neil Armstrong made their historic Apollo 11 moonwalk, becoming the first two humans to set foot on another world. An estimated 600 million people at that time, the largest television audience in history witnessed this unprecedented endeavour.
Upon returning from the moon, he was decorated with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest American peacetime award.”
Blates just thinking about Mrs A’s casserole waiting for him at home
Not everyone’s as impressed, though.
Charlie, a third year from Sidney Sussex, said: “I’ve got a tenner in my pocket that says he’s gonna cancel again. What’s this, like the third ‘confirmation’ we’ve had?”.
“Sounds like the bloody moon landing – entirely made up and outrageously foisted on our children, day in, day out, like evolution and gay sex. It makes me sick”, said someone.
Stop playing hard to get, Aldrin, and come tell us all about the moon and stuff.