Who has the best chat: Cambridge or Oxford?
It’s time we settled this once and for all
There are two types of people in this world: those who always know what to say in a conversation and those who end up wishing they hadn’t said anything.
Whether it’s a stranger on Tinder, your date from last week, or a friend you need to sweet-talk, knowing what to say next in a conversation is a make-or-break business. What’s more, it’s a skill that takes a while to learn, and that reading list might be more important.
If you haven’t been blessed with the gift of the gab, and you keep struggling to find a witty response to the question: “Do you like getting tied up?” then Nattr may just be the answer you’re looking for.
Nattr allows you to crowdsource clever responses whenever you’re lost for words in a conversation, so now you can rely on other smooth-talkers to get you out of a tight corner and transform you into the king/queen of flirting.
Or, if finding the right words has never been a challenge, you can use your skills to help your fellow students by telling them what they should say. Nothing beats the ego boost of knowing your words have helped someone in peril, and if you’re really good you could soon be playing virtual match-maker to your entire college.
Light blues v dark blues: the Oxbridge chat battle
Forget the boat race, the only way to finally decide once and for all which Oxbridge uni is the best is by deciding who has the best chat. Because let’s face it: as much as we hate each other, our mastery of the English language is the main thing distinguishing us from all the animals at those other Russell Group unis.
To decide which uni has the best smooth-talkers, Nattr have set up an exclusive competition between Oxford and Cambridge to see which one can get the most app downloads over the next week. On Wednesday 4th March, the winner will be announced and crowned in all their glory.
The prize? A party held on the 5th at a club in your town (The Bridge in Oxford, Lola’s in Cambridge) where everyone with the app gets a free drink. Nothing like a bit of social lubrication to make those one-liners of yours seem funnier.
The app’s completely free, and the link’s right here so you’ve got no excuse not to go ahead and download it. Remember, if you don’t: the “other lot” win.