Now killjoy councillors want to breathalyse us on door of bars and clubs

Is this the end of predrinks?

Cancel the second round of predrinks because the local council and the boys in blue want to kill our fun. 

If you’re too boozed-up, you might not make it past the rope of Cindies due to a draconian scheme designed to combat binge drinking.

Over 20 central Cambridge pubs and clubs will be getting a breathalyser kit each and bouncers will request a breath test from individuals who already seem intoxicated.

Get ready to blow

Fun-sponge Cambridge Police Commisioner Sir Graham Bright, 72, said: “The trend these days is for people to ‘preload’ with alcohol at home before heading out.

“The result of this can be that people are very drunk towards the end of the evening putting themselves and others at risk.

“I want people to enjoy a night out but to do so responsibly.”

Enjoy paying through the nose for this

Puritan Alcohol Strategic Lead on the local council Joseph Keegan added: “The council is very concerned about people putting their health at risk by drinking to excess at home before they leave for the city centre.

“Each person who is turned away from a venue will be offered a drink scratch card which will give them information about their drinking risk levels and advice on cutting down on alcohol use.”

This means after spending your last bit of cash on a taxi, you’ll be sent away with no more than a scratch card and some patronising advice.

Prepare to spend way more in the club thanks to the spoilsport council.