Which subject gets the most firsts?

Either Medicine is hard or they’re just lazy.

Results from 2014 show that just under a third of finalists got a first (30.7 per cent). 

[iframe url=”https://infogr.am/_/3INj4f1OycRWsM3rkIhz” width=”640″ height=”1450″]

The table was topped by Linguistics and Education with 53.1 per cent and 47.1 per cent of students gaining first class degrees respectively.

At the bottom were Medical and Veterinary Sciences (16 per cent), Chemical Engineering (18.2 per cent) and HSPS (18.8 per cent).

Education graduate Heather Halliwell suggested why her subject does so well: “you don’t have to get over 70 marks on average to get a first.

It’s also probably affected by the fact you can have over 50 per cent of your final year made up by coursework.”

This was the first year students sat exams in HSPS. Second year HSPS student Madee Higson said “the main issue is a combination of it being a new course and that it’s made up of papers from so many different departments that aren’t used to working together.

Had I known what I know this year I may have gone so far as to tactically pick my papers for the ones that have higher first rates.”

‘Sir, I have some bad news: I only got a 2:2’

First year Medic Aryan Sabir seemed indifferent about the results: “If we’re not being taught well enough to get a first then they can’t come crying when we spaff up their operations.”

C’mon Medics, if you don’t get your act together you’ll never get a job…