How expensive is your college kitchen?
The girls at Newnham suffer while the oldies at Wolfson pay nothing
There is a great disparity in the Fixed Kitchen Charge of different colleges, with Newnham charging by far the most and six colleges not having the charge at all.
The most expensive kitchens in Cambridge are Newnham (£274), St Edmund’s (£220), and Downing (£204, although this includes the technology bill), data obtained by The Tab reveals.
In contrast, Emmanuel, Robinson, Wolfson, Lucy Cavendish, Darwin and Clare Hall have no Fixed Kitchen Charge.
HSPS second year and Union President-Elect Oliver Mosley said: “Aside from the cost, this term I was surprised to find that I have been Kitchen Fixed Charged twice because I was not charged last term.
“This is not fair on students who are trying to budget their years. There seems to be very little explanation or organisation behind this subsidy. ”
A Wolfson undergrad is happy with his free kitchen.
Dr Mike Gross, Emmanuel Bursar, explained the college’s decision not to implement the charge.
“Some years ago at the request of the student’s union we took the view that it was simpler to show a single all inclusive accommodation charge,” he said.
Newnham fresher Jennifer Lola said: “The provision of a kitchen, shared between around 20 girls in my situation, should be seen as a necessity and not as another way in which to increase our bills.
“We don’t even get given new sponges. Where does the money go?”
A Newnham undergrad uses the college’s state of the art facilities.
A spokesperson for Newnham told The Tab the college does not make a profit from the FKC and that it offers a “very generous system of bursaries” for students in financial need.
Looks like the Fixed Kitchen Charge will continue to be a ‘sauce’ of anguish for students…