In their own words: The cast of Measure for Measure

‘You can often find me being too tactile in the ADC Bar.’

Ever wanted to get inside the heads of (some of) Cambridge’s mightiest thesps?

Well, the cast (and Assistant Director) of Measure for Measure are here to scratch that itch, offering a super-serious glimpse into what lies behind the theatre world’s most intense headshot stares.

Mark Milligan / Duke

‘Too tactile’ – Mark Milligan. (Photo Credit: Johannes Hjorth)

Hi, I’m Mark. I’m the Vice President of the Marlowe Society and you can often find me being too tactile in the ADC Bar. When I’m not stressing over everything in my life, including my six dissertations which I just don’t have time to fit in around my mass of acting commitments, I can be found on the ADC Stage, often playing weird and creepy characters, who are not too far from my real personality. Famed for my role as ‘Ensemble’ in the ETG that never toured (maybe it should be UKTG?), I imagine I will be an understudy in a gritty National Theatre drama within 2 weeks of graduating.

Robbie Taylor Hunt / Assistant Director

Robbie Taylor Hunt, though a fight scene choreographer, is a peaceful soul at heart. (Photo Credit: Johannes Hjorth)

Hey, I’m Robbie, and I’m the best student director in Cambridge. I am also Cambridge’s resident fight choreographer and can be often found modelling for rival Cambridge student newspapers. When I’m not directing edgy plays from the Royal Court, or choreographing fight scenes, I can be found intoxicated in Life, Cindies, Fez and Lola Lo’s, to a state where all my friends have to spend all night looking after me. Devastated not to have been nominated by the Tab, I have decided to give up on my dream of being a BNOC and become a director. I am also available to choreograph fight scenes for birthdays, weddings and bar mitzvahs.

Marco Young / Angelo

‘Notorious for dropping out of plays’ – Marco Young. (Photo Credit: Johannes Hjorth)

Hi, I’m Marco. I’m a general executive member of the Marlowe society – an integral role. You can often find me gracing the ADC stage in such lead roles as ‘Father/ensemble’ and ‘Frank’. Notorious for dropping out of plays, my ambition is to be a torch bearer at Shakespeare’s Globe within 10 years, after completing my training at RADA, Guildhall and Juilliard. I’m a firm believer in method acting, and so, for my role of Angelo, I’ve been wrongly condemning people to death. When I’m not found speaking Italian or reciting Shakespeare, I often play soccer to a Second Team level.

Bea Svistunenko / Escalus

‘Looking for sheep’ – Bea Svistunenko.(Photo Credit: Johannes Hjorth)

After training at the Russian Institute of Acting and Pretend (RIAP) for 2 months in 2001, Bea sailed to Britain to pursue her dream of becoming a shepherd. One day when looking for sheep to herd, she was scouted by a local filmmaker and received her first film role as ‘Hideous Mountain Creature #9’ in the Rom-Com ‘Love Etc.’ (release date TBC). Since then she has performed in two amateur productions of ‘Hairspray’. Previous critical acclaim: ‘Bea Svistunenko was in the chorus’ (Evening Herald); ‘One actor was late on stage’ (Trumpington Reporter); ‘why was a chorus member dressed as a shepherd?’ (ReallyReviewz). She knows you will enjoy her performance.

Aoife Kennan / Pompey

‘A global institution’ – Aoife Kennan. (Photo Credit: Johannes Hjorth)

One woman: Aoife Kennan.

A global institution: Cambridge University.

Endless iconic performances: Penelope, Emilia, Viola.

The ADC, Corpus Playroom, Arts Theatre.

Any emotion.

Any role.









Measure for Measure runs from Wednesday 10th February to Saturday 13th February at 7.45pm, and Thursday and Saturday at 2.30pm.

(You can see more of Johannes’ cast portraits here.)