BREAKING: Student set on fire at Jesus Green

An Air Ambulance was called to Jesus Green this afternoon


An Air Ambulance landed on the Green at approximately 14.52.

Tab journalists at the scene report that a Cambridge student engaged in the Caesarian Sunday festivities and dressed as a sheep was accidentally set on fire earlier.

A policeman carries away what is reported to be a ‘sheep costume’

Tab reporter Finn McRedmond reports that at about 14.40 she smelt the smell of burning, followed by ‘a boy running away from the crowd with friends. He’s clearly burnt’.

Tab Co-News Editor Cameron Anderson said that friends of the student attempted to put out the blaze with beer.

A policeman carries away a singed sheep costume

Tab journalist Jack Benda adds that the student who was burnt appeared to have an altercation with a similarly dressed friend after the fire was put out. He was ‘clearly distressed and physically shaking’. Another student also appears to have suffered minor burns whilst helping to put out the fire.

The boy was one of a number of male students wearing large amounts of cotton as part of a costume. Several students at the Green suggested that they were a group of Sidney Sussex freshers. Older students appeared to be with them dressed as shepherds.

Unconfirmed reports have suggested that the fire was started accidentally by cigarette setting the student’s wool alight.

An ambulance later arrived by road and the student involved got into it and was driven away.

Tab Co-News Editor Hannah Dawson added that ‘the shepherd and the sheep have [now] dispersed’.

The Tab has now confirmed that the fresher ‘sheep’ were part of the Sidney Roundheads drinking society, who held their initiations today. The initiations had finished by the time the fire began.