BREAKING: Trinity Mathmo arrives at May Ball in a carriage

No pumpkins here for Cinderella and her Prince.

Fourth-year mathmo Adam P Goucher has arrived at Trinity May Ball in a horse-drawn carriage alongside girlfriend Lady JA.

Adam was previously known for his 2015 May Ball antics, where he auctioned off his spare Trinity May Ball ticket via an applications process that required potential dates to have at least 1000 Instagram followers.

Much #fabulous, very #selfie

This year, his girlfriend, Jade Amanda Laporte – a keen instagrammer who also goes by the nickname Lady JA – is his date for the ball.

The lovebirds left Trinity’s Burrell’s Field accommodation at 6:30pm and arrived at the Trinity Lane entrance to Great Court at 7, just in time to make a grand entrance into the Court.

This is what fairytales are made of

Adam exclusively spoke to theThe Tab about his plans for the evening. “We wanted to make the experience as enchanting as possible,” he said. Apparently, finding a suitably dramatic method of conveying themselves to the ball wasn’t hard because “we just Googled ‘horse and carriage Cambridge’…”

Right: Matho burns money on a horse and carriage, Left: someone sleeping on the streets. Ah May Week.

An amazed onlooker said “I was absolutely blown away, it was just such a magnificent entrance. In my four years in Cambridge I’ve never seen something so spectacular. If this doesn’t get Adam over 1,000 Instagram followers, I don’t know what will”.

This seems to have been the beginning of a fairytale perfect night for the duo.