Oxford has beaten Cambridge to being the world’s best University

We’re not bitter or anything.

For the first time ever in The Times World University Rankings, a university in the United Kingdom has seized the crown. Plot twist: it’s not Cambridge.

Oxford has ascended to the coveted top spot, with Cambridge landing in fourth place, consistent with last year.

‘The Other Place’ succeeded in knocking reigning US champion Cal-Tech off their number one position. The only other UK university to join Oxford and Cambridge in the global top ten was Imperial College London.

Given that the league table included over 900 academic institutions, the UK as a whole has done rather well. 88 UK universities made the top 800 and 12 made the top 100, including Durham, LSE, Bristol, Manchester, and UCL. Looks like Doxbridge is still far off from being a reality. Sorry Durham.

Eight of of these twelve were concentrated in the South of the country, with the other four concentrated in London alone.

At least we won the boat race. GDBO.

Though Cambridge may have topped the Guardian’s UK league table earlier this year and was declared the best UK University in the world by the QS rankings, the Other Place has beaten us to this one. At least Cantabs still have a couple of league tables to choose from when bragging about their University.