SEXIT: Referendum on CUSU membership to be held at Selwyn

‘Sexit’ just doesn’t have the same oomph as ‘Pexit’

After a week in which we have been shown just how terrible democracy can be, Selwyn have decided that more democracy is the way forward.

Selwyn’s referendum on CUSU membership is to be held next week. The vote wasn’t prompted by a disafilliation campaign, but rather a constitutional requirement that Selwyn’s JCR review it’s policy every 3 years. Polls will close on Tuesday after which the result will be announced.

Earlier this month, Peterhouse JCR (also known as the Sex Club – it is a marvel at how many sex jokes can be made about all of these referenda) voted to remain affiliated to CUSU. The referendum happened after calls came in Easter term for a referendum on CUSU membership due to the controversial vote to remain affiliated to the NUS after allegations of anti-semitism from its President, Malia Bouattia.

The cause of most referenda in Cambridge, but surprisingly not this one

The last time Selwynites took the the polls, affiliation to CUSU was only achieved by a very narrow margin, with 54.3% voting to remain. Members of the JCR committee will be free to campaign for whichever side they wish, with the JCR providing unbiased information about the colleges affiliation to CUSU.

Will Selwyn break free?

Currently only Gonville and Caius and Corpus Christi are disaffiliated from CUSU.

Regardless of whether SelWIN or Sexit happens, it is clear that referenda fever will not be leaving Cambridge any time soon.