Cambridge Tab under new management

Direct your hatred here

Meet the Tab Team for Lent.

The Tab Cambridge’s editorial team changes every term with new, fresh faces who’ll be fanning flames. A group of Cantabs so salacious and egotistical that their fears of social ostracisation simply go out of the window. Countless ex-Tab hacks will tell you (whether you’ve asked is irrelevant) that writing for Cambridge’s most read student newspaper was one of the best decisions they made during their time here.

If YOU want to join the Tab mafia, and have access to Cambridge’s most raucous gossip, the best stash and socials, and maybe a few CV points along the way – then email a section editor below or add them on Facebook, and join our writers group. The easiest way to get involved is writing for one of our biggest sections, whether that be News ([email protected]), Features ([email protected]) or Opinion ([email protected]).

So if you have a piece of breaking news or juicy gossip you just can’t keep to yourself, or simply have a burning desire to yell at us about an article we have published, then here’s who you need to know.

On Wednesday’s we wear stash

Editors-in-Chief: Rory Sachs (Caius) and Hannah Dawson (Christ’s) 

Here for: Law suits, angry yelling, threats and admin (boring) stuff.

Contact: [email protected]

Deputy Editors: Dan Edwards (Girton) and Eddie Spence (Pembroke)

Here for: The fun stuff (socials, drinking, meetings), and less serious threats and angry yelling.

Contact: [email protected]

News: Phoebe Gargaro (Christ’s) – Editor, Shani Wijetilaka (Trinity) – Chief Writer, Charlie Gladstone (Queens’) – News Columnist

Here for: Providing Daily Mail article ammunition, making stories out of Cambridge’s most salacious gossip, CUSU crises and fee rise fiascos.

Contact: [email protected] OR if you have an anonymous tip-off, submit here.

What the tab does best: breaking stories about John’s rings forged in Mordor

Investigations: Eve Mair (Magdelene)

Here for: Sending millions of FOI’s in order to find out everything Cambridge students want to know, but have never bothered to find out.

Contact: [email protected]

Opinion: David Grounds (Churchill) and Lewis Thomas (Sidney) 

Here for: Channeling your angry rants into coherent articles, provocative content, everything to do with opinionated Cambridge students.

Contact: [email protected]

Features: Holly Smith (Pembroke) and Alice Cattely (Trinity) – Editors, Alice Ding (Jesus) – Chief Writer. 

Here for: Creating content that is a million times more appealing than that essay you are trying to procrastinate.

Contact: [email protected]

Features also known for their terribly wonderful photoshop skills

Interviews: David Verghese (Robinson) 

Here for: Talking to absolutely everyone, from A-Listers at the Union to the man who plays his guitar in a bin.

Contact: [email protected]

Tab TV: Jonah Surkes (Clare), Lauren Morris (Catz) and Louis Elton (Magdelene) 

Here for: A mix of humiliating drunk Cantabs in the freezing cold (Lauren) and classic Tab TV interviews (Louis).

Contact: [email protected]

Lifestyle and Fashion: Leyla Gumusdis (Peterhouse), Meg Honigmann (John’s) and Alexandra Sive (Sidney) 

Here for: telling you all the nicest things to eat, the best things to wear, and everything cool and #edgy in Cam.

Contact: [email protected]

Sports: Miles Kekwick (Girton)

Here for: Helping clueless Cantabs navigate the complex world of Cambridge sport.

Contact: [email protected]

Theatre: Eleanor Toal (Christ’s)

Here for: Everything thespy, and reviews, reviews and more reviews.

Contact: [email protected] OR on the Theatre Writers Group

Thespy goodness

See you soon…