FOUL PLAY: CUSU Sabb breaks their own election rules in salty Facebook post

Sophie Buck was asked to remove the post by the elections committee.

The Tab reported earlier today in its Liveblog of a post by Sophie Buck, CUSU Welfare and Rights officer, criticising candidates “crowdpleasing” with promises they “may not be able to deliver”.

However, this post has since been deleted, as it was deemed by the elections committee to have violated the rules that current CUSU sabbs should remain neutral in the election.

The matter concerned the CUSU minibus, something which had been remarked upon by candidate Jack Drury. This came after proclamations from Jack Drury on Friday regarding the CUSU minibus scheme, stating  “CUSU used to have minibuses available for student teams to hire; despite the website still advertising this, CUSU claim the service has been ‘wound up’. Did CUSU manage to lose minibuses? I’ll restore the service.”

Sophie lashed out at that, saying “it would be useful for candidates to check with current sabbs” on such issues, and implied that Drury had not consulted her on such matters, stating “Good to ask people in the know now and again, rather than just highlighting things to crowdplease!”

Jack Drury contacted The Tab about the issue, and informed us that members of his team had in fact contacted the CUSU sabbatical officers, and that Amatey himself had responded.  He told us “We asked Amatey about the minibuses, so it sounds like the CUSU Sabbs aren’t talking. What Sophie says is CUSU made a half-hearted effort to provide buses and failed. We also know that wasn’t communicated to Uni sports teams. I will work to restore the buses, and find a solution.”

Drury’s team contacted Amatey

The elections committee told Varsity: “Incumbent Sabbatical Officers may not campaign in this election, but may comment neutrally. In the judgement of the Elections Committee, Sophie Buck’s post concerning intermission was broadly neutral but her post concerning minibuses was not. She took down the latter post on request, and no further action will be taken.”

A post concerning intermission, also posted by Sophie Buck, was deemed not to have violated election rules as it was more general, and not directed towards a particular candidate.

Sophie Buck has since posted on Facebook, stating she is taking a “self-imposed” Facebook break.

So far, election rules have been broken by Daisy Erye, Jack Drury, Josh Jackson, and now somewhat amusingly a CUSU sabbatical officer.