BREAKING: King’s Parade evacuated due to suspected bomb

The incident in Cambridge follows a series of potential terror threats throughout the country

King’s Parade was closed off by the police this evening following the discovery of a suspicious package.

Diners at all of King’s Parade’s restaurants were told to evacuate the area before the road was cordoned off by the police at around 7:30pm. A suspicious suitcase was discovered in the vicinity of the area, next to a bin.

Bomb disposal arrived at the scene, and performed a controlled explosion using a bomb disposal robot. It is reported to have been audible from St John’s.

The iconic road has been closed off from the Chophouse to Bennett’s Coffee Shop, including the full stretch of King’s College. Several police cars are at the scene, with the situation still ongoing. The entirety of Market Square has now been closed off.

Several police cars are at the scene

One student present during the evacuation told The Tab “‘I was extremely concerned that such a central part of Cambridge was evacuated.”

Students evacuated to Caius bar

Hall at Caius was interrupted by a porter reporting the bomb scare, with the entirety of Michael’s Court evacuated to the college’s bar. In addition the library has now been evacuated.

One student at the college told The Tab: “To be honest, everyone at Caius Bar is pretty chilled out – about two thirds of us have bought drinks, some are playing board games, others just getting on with work; nobody is panicking at all.”

The cordon stretches down onto Trinity Street

The incident coincides with the first day of increased police presence in Cambridge following terror attacks in Manchester and London.

McDonald’s has now also been evacuated following the sounding of its alarm. A fire engine has been sent to the scene via Sidney Street. Access to St Catharine’s College has now been cut off, with Corpus accommodation also on lockdown.

Petty Cury has now been reopened, although the market square remains closed off.

Update 21:54

The bomb disposal unit have just undergone two controlled explosions.

Controlled explosion happening in Cambridge

Posted by The Tab Cambridge on Monday, June 5, 2017

Cambridgeshire police tweeted “There has been a controlled explosion at Kings Parade, Cambridge. No further explosions are anticipated.”

Insidiously, Cambridge Massachusetts police force have also tweeted about a potential bomb scare.

It is not known whether the incidents are linked.

Update 22:12

King’s Parade has now been reopened, with police remaining outside King’s college entrance. The situation now appears safe as bomb disposal have departed. It is rumoured that the suspicious package was simply a lost suitcase, although this cannot be confirmed.

This is an ongoing situation, follow The Tab for updates as they come.