How to spiritually deal with leaving for uni
It’s time to say goodbye
As a prospective fresher, you will have already been given tons of info about life at university. But before all that happens, you've got the rest of September in front of you. How will you make the most of it before you go? Fret not, fresher! Breathe and follow these slightly unoriginal steps of what to do before heading off.

A whole new world
Eat all the food in the fridge
This is the last time for a while your food won’t be limited to a pack of stale hummus and some spilled crusty milk. When you are homesick the first thing that comes to mind will be opening that glorious cold cupboard of the heavens which is stocked with items you now consider ridiculous yet soon will come to realise are 100% life dependently necessary, like that peachy jam you’ve never touched (it might be at the back but it’s a team player).
Fill your stomach with two months worth of food like a crazed bear going into hibernation and savour the tastes thoroughly.

Goodbye my lover
Go out with your friends
It is time for the last shabang. Going out with all the old pals for a final, stupid bender is the ultimate route to spiritual catharsis before uni. Go to that pub you always go to but no one can remember why, order the blue drink that reminds you the most of a school disco. When you go out make a complete fool of yourself and snog someone you knew in middle school. Embrace the obligatory cry at the end of the night when your mates are all swaying in a big huddle.

A glass of wine goes better with a cry
Act like Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran is in a perpetual stage of reminiscing and this is what I encourage you to embody for your remaining time at home. Whenever you don’t know how to feel about leaving home think: what would Ed feel? And then feel those feels.
Go on a walk in an old sweater and think back to your youth of campfires, pool tables, your first kiss in the rain. If your youth wasn’t quite so full of campfires and was a bit more of a sweaty blur, just think of Ed Sheeran's youth. That'll get you going.
Although you might feel well rested now, in a few weeks each hour of sleep will feel like a blessing. Freshers is draining and you’ll want to arrive stocked up so that you can be as fresh as possible and so that your friends can remind each other that your face was alright before blue circles from eyes to chin became its most distinct characteristic. Collect sleep and put it in a big mental safe like some greedy but mindful businessman.

The joy of sleep at uni
Also finish all the Netflix shows you halfstarted, this is incredibly productive for two reasons: a) maxing out on chill time before uni and b) great conversation fodder for first encounters – it is a scientific fact that most people base whole friendships off similar tastes in streaming. In case you can't be bothered to start watching game of thrones, here are some names of characters to namedrop: Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, Melisandre. You're welcome.
Whether you took a year out or are coming straight from school, being in the right mind on the first day of uni is arguably as important as what you’re going to wear. A bit of mental prep can make all the difference.