Young man’s dream of being ‘professor of swords’ one step closer to becoming a reality

He was inspired by the Fitzwilliam Museum’s collection

Cambridge has previously advertised for Professor of Lego and a Doctor of Chocolate, so why not a Professor of Swords?

In perhaps the cutest story of the year so far, a twelve year old boy has written a letter to the Fitzwilliam Museum asking for advice as to how to pursue a career in swords after being inspired by their medieval collections.

He wrote that "I would really like your advice please about how I could become a professor of swords". Academics from across the country have replied on Twitter, including Cambridge's Archaeology and Anthropology department, who stated that "we could use a Professor of Swords".

The story came to light after a research assistant to Fitzwilliam Museum tweeted a picture of the boy's letter, with the caption "I received the best letter. Things like this are why I love my job. #professorofswords."

The Leeds Royal Armouries also replied stating that they would be happy to help. It really does seem that this boy's dreams may one day come true.