All the key high FASHUN looks you’ll need at Cambridge
Smize, honey
You're about to start your first year at the University of Cambridge, meaning that it's time to reinvent yourself.
It's time to grow up, and therefore time to invest in a wardrobe consisting of trackies, your school jumper, wavy garms and fancy dress gear. Before hitting your local shopping centre with mum in preparation for the end of September, here's a little heads up as to what you'll expect to find a variety of Cantabs sporting across town.
Library Chic

Make sure the colour of your textbook matches your jumper to get that extra bit of stylish flare
In the first few weeks of freshers, you'll probably find yourself making an effort when planning your library outfit (yes, you will be in the library in fresher's week, this is Cambridge, welcome to hell). However, as the weeks go by and your soul is slowly chipped away piece by piece, you'll be slumping to the library in trackies, your pyjama top, the college jumper you bought on day 2 and flip flops/slippers (this is weather dependent). You might as well make up for your academic discomfort by being as physically comfortable as you can.
What statement are you trying to make? I'm going to be in here until 2am, please leave me alone.
Your favourite accessory? Coffee, coffee, coffee.

I bet Cara Delevingne has never had a photoshoot by the cubicles of Kuda
It's your first year of uni, which means it's time to transition from your sixth form identity of the Girl-Who's-Going-To-Cambridge into the edge queen you aspire to be. Swap that knee-length skirt for glitter, a crop top and some wavy trousers and head on down to any Turf, Haze or Junction event.
What statement are you trying to make? Bristol was my insurance.
Your favourite accessory? A bottle of water *wink wink*.

As all accomplished sportspeople know, it's all about the layering
For some at Cambridge, sport is not just a distraction from work; it's a way of life. This is made clear by the fact that sports stash is not just worn on the court/pitch/field, it's worn to the library, to hall, to bed, to your DoS meeting and sometimes to Cindies (how are you going to pull if it's not 100% clear you live and breathe rugby??).
What statement are you trying to make? Did you know I row?
Your favourite accessory? The bags under your eyes from waking up at 6 every morning to head down to the river.

My bed has never looked so immaculate since
It's half way through Michaelmas, which means it's time for mum and dad to head on down/up to Cam to check you're still alive. Make sure you shower and look like a human being who has their life together as opposed to a hermit with vitamin D deficiency from lack of sunlight who lives off the Van of Life's cheesy chips. That being said, it's important that you dress comfortably enough to be able to sit through your dad explaining how the A1(M) is actually a better route to take than the M11, and have enough stomach room to fit the cake your mum will inevitably bring.
What statement are you trying to make? I've been here learning my subject, not what my jaeger-bomb tolerance is.
Your favourite accessory? The 'eye-roll' and strong pain-killers for the gradual parental-induced headache you'll develop through the day.
Cindies/Life Attire

Someone didn't get the dress code
To say you could wear pretty much anything to Cindies or Kuda would not be an overstatement. Forget the trainers or heels debate, from time to time I have to decide whether I should go to Sunday Life in my onesie or whether I'll get too hot in it. Whether you go for the classic jeans and a nice top, or turn up in your pyjamas – when the Circle of Life remix comes on and the 4 for 10 jaegarbombs are flowing, everything blurs into one anyway.
What statement are you trying to make? Imma party like I don't have a 9am supervision tomorrow morning.
Your favourite accessory? A VK you stole from your college mum.
Bop Costume

A live action shot of two boppers bop bop bop, bopping to the top
A new academic year means more bops and amazon prime deliveries of prisoner's jumpsuits or fairy wings. Bops are the equivalent of your Year 6 Disco, but with alcohol and a fancy dress theme – so they're pretty much the best. Choose your outfit wisely: you want something fun that shows you've made an effort, but that also says 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard' so maybe a sexy farmyard cow? Remember, it's also got to be an outfit that you're happy to be potentially peeled off the bar toilets in after having one too many college cocktails.
What statement are you trying to make? This policewoman's outfit came with handcuffs and I intend to use them later on the college husband I secretly fancy.
Your favourite accessory? Your dignity until you lose it at some point in the night.

Finding subtle ways to hide my food baby in each pic
Balls and Formals are the aspects of Cambridge life most associated with the university, and so it's important that you dress to impress. The dress code for formal and Winter/Spring balls are basically the same so feel free to whip out that cheeky short number but maybe wear tights/an alcohol jacket. Formals are one of the few occasions, aside from matriculation and graduation, that you get to wear your gown so get it on and make the most of the £40 you'll never get back.
What statement are you trying to make? Yes, I am the same human being you saw crying in the library yesterday, I have just made an effort with my appearance for once.
Your favourite accessory? Blister plasters.
So there you have it, a rough idea of the Cantab student wardrobe. Don't stress too much though – by Week 2 everyone will be too hungover/in too much academic pain to notice what you're wearing anyway.