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Jailbreak is changing – and you can sign up now

Gone are the days of shamelessly collecting money of strangers to bag a cheeky pair of flights


That’s right, folks. RAG’s biggest event is back and it’s going to be BIGGER and BETTER. The perfect excuse to escape The Bubble, Jailbreak challenges teams to get as far away from Cambridge as possible within 36 hours, without spending a penny of their own money. Traditionally, this has involved rapidly raising funds in London (TOP TIP: people in the West End on a Friday night are very generous) and then buying cheap Ryanair flights and, whilst this is the easiest approach, it has been criticised for essentially being a free holiday.

However, the rules are changing this year in order to maximise the amount of money raised directly for charity.

50% of what you raise during the event MUST be donated to RAG

This way, there is a lot more transparency with fundraising. This is the most important rule change, since it means you will no longer be collecting money just to book flights but half of what you collect is for charity. On top of sponsorship before the event, Jailbreak is set to break records with how much money it will raise.

Be as environmentally sustainable and creative as possible with your travel.

Bonus points if you manage to pedalo across the English Channel or ride a tricycle through Europe.

Fundraise during the event through more unique methods

Not only does Jailbreak raise tonnes for charity and help captive Cantabs forget about supervision essays for a weekend, it’s now the perfect opportunity to practise your best party tricks or try out some talents you never thought you had. Kazoo quartet outside King’s Cross station? Break-dancing in front of the Eiffel Tower? The world’s your oyster, friends.

Image may contain: Tower, Building, Architecture, Person, People, Human

Yes, fancy dress is compulsory. Who wouldn't want to travel the world dressed as The Three Musketeers?

On top of all this excitement, Early Bird tickets launch today and at the bargain price of £10 (that’s £20 per team), there is nothing to stop you from signing up for 2 days of charity, laughs, travel, and quality stories you can tell your grandchildren. If that’s not enough to convince you, then here are some great anecdotes from previous participants on what they would all consider the highlight of their time at Cambridge.

“Having arrived at our destination of Salzburg, Austria (and been very confused by the lack of sunshine and kangaroos), we hit the town with our ukulele to do some busking. Suddenly, out of nowhere came a procession of highly-inebriated men on a stag do who naturally stopped and had a chat, resulting in us being generously donated 2 cans of energy drink and some men’s boxers, and being told about real Austrian values by the groom-to-be in a sumo fatsuit” – Cora Cunningham

Looks like they made a friend for life – what an incentive!

“We were chatting in Gatwick airport at 3am, flights booked, when suddenly we were approached by a sullen man of middling years who says ‘sorry to bother you guys, but I’ve been stuck in this airport for three days and I just need some conversation’. We then went on a trip into his soul and back as we learnt of his past problems of alcohol, his love of philosophy, and his mesmerising poetry. We will never forget you, Aaron” – Rufus Jordana

There are also prizes to award for the teams that fundraise the most, travel the furthest, travel in the most creative way and travel in the most environmentally sustainable manner. Up for grabs are: Clare May Ball tickets, £250 in travel vouchers so that you can relive your Jailbreak adventure whenever the need arises, 2 whole crates of beer, and tickets for RAG’s Secret Cinema and Garden Party. In addition, every team will, of course, get a beautiful new t-shirt to add to the endless pile of Cambridge stash. What more could you want!?

If you’re finding the excitement overwhelming (which you obviously are), then go along on Thursday 23rd for the Information Evening or email [email protected] with any questions you may have. Alternatively, sign up here right now. Perhaps most important of all, though, is that you give the Jailbreak Facebook page a cheeky like, where updates will regularly be posted.